Faithful is He that calleth you, Who also will do it  1Th. 5:24

About Us

Though retired, we both still live and serve in Valkenswaard, the Netherlands. God has been abundantly good to us and has given us many opportunities to serve Him. We covet your prayers for ongoing health, strength and wisdom for our new retirement ministry and the Lord’s blessing on our relationship with co-workers and fellow believers in their wide area of contacts. This is our story...

Ministry Transitions Honors

Early Years

I was born into a Christian home in Elkins Park, Pennsylvania, the oldest of three brothers. I attended local public schools and graduated from Cheltenham High School in 1948. As a boy I was active in baseball, softball, and basketball. As an adult I played table tennis, tennis and swimming, the last of which I still do regularly. I became an Eagle Scout at 15 and still benefit from things I learned in scouting.

I attended First Baptist Church of Wissinoming, PA as a teenager and met Ruth there. We were both active in the young peoples' group and involved with summer children's evangelism. We were married at First Baptist, I was ordained there and they supported us for many years.

I went to college and was preparing to enter the field of electrical engineering. During my first year the Lord used a chapel speaker from the Netherlands to challenge and call me to serve him in that country. I changed my field of study, attended and graduated with a B.A. in Theology from Gordon College of Theology and Missions in Boston, MA. Ruth had attended and graduated from Philadelphia School of the Bible. After graduation I pastored a small church in North-east Philadelphia and worked for about a year and-a-half in construction. During that time our first baby was stillborn. We left for the Netherlands in May 1954 to live and serve in Eindhoven. Top


Our first priority was to learn the language and make contacts with people to whom we could minister. By 1960 we had a Bible study group of (mostly new) Christians. These folks showed interest in becoming an independent Baptist church and in 1967 the Evangelical Baptist Church of Eindhoven was established and we began holding regular Sunday worship services. During this time we also began ministering in the city of Tilburg, about 30 miles from Eindhoven. In 1971 this group of believers was also organized into an independent Baptist church. Both churches grew and soon each called their own national pastor. In 1988 we moved to Valkenswaard to start another work and in 1997 the Evangelical Baptist Church of Valkenswaard was organized. In 2005 a national pastor was called to serve this congregation and we were on our way to retirement.

In 1964 we began working in summer Bible camps (Good News Bible Camp) and with short intervals and transitions continued this special ministry until 2001. In the '80s we decided together with my son, David, to split the camp into two age groups. He took the younger kids and I continued to work with the teenagers until 2001, when I decided it was really time for someone younger to take over. Now my grandson, Daniel, is in charge of the teenage camp. It looks like it is going to stay in the family.

Another avenue of ministry that developed through the years was a counseling ministry. As the opportunities increased I associated with the Dutch/Belgian Center for Pastoral Counseling and for 20 years have had a share in teaching in their program. This has been a rewarding ministry. Top


In the years just before 2000 Ruth battled cancer and gradually became nearly invalid. After we celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary in 2001 her health problems became steadily worse and in March 2002 the Lord received her into His presence. She was buried in Valkenswaard and Herb stayed on to complete the work of the church there.

In the beginning of 2003 Herb was led to make contact via the internet with Madaline Luce, who was recently widowed and living alone on Cape Cod. Herb and Madaline had first met one another at Gordon College. She and her husband, Al, later pastored three New England churches, all of which subsequently became supporting churches for Herb and Ruth. By way of letters (no email yet) and furlough visits the friendship continued over the years. Madaline raised three children, two boys and a girl, conducted choirs and music groups in their churches, taught young adults, completed nurse's training (receiving her RN as a grandmother) and embarked on a nursing career in addition to her family and church responsibilities. After her husband died in 1999 and Ruth followed in 2002 the Lord unexpectedly and wonderfully brought Herb and Madaline together to share their lives in love and service for the Lord.

Following a wedding in September of 2003, Madaline left Cape Cod and joined Herb in the ongoing ministry in the Netherlands. Not an easy undertaking but it was God's plan for both of them.  Now in retirement (starting in 2007 - Herb had been with Baptist Mid-Missions 55 years) they still live in Valkenswaard and are active in whatever way the Lord gives opportunity.

Together we have four children, ten grandchildren and eleven great-grandchildren (and three on their way). Top


In February 2008 Herb was awarded a 55 year service pin from Baptist Mid-Missions during a worship service in the Valkenswaard church. This was presented to him by Dr. Vernon Rosenau, European Field Administrator for Baptist Mid-Missions. This is only the second 55 year pin awarded by BMM.

One month later, Herb received yet another honor. At the close of a Sunday morning service in the Valkenswaard church, the deputy Mayor of the town decorated him with a medal from the Queen of Holland, making him a member of the Order of the House of Orange. This is an honor seldomly given to foreign citizens. This honor is bestowed upon those persons who have made significant contributions to Dutch citizens. The pastor of the Valkenswaard churchplant, Gerard Hollestelle, took the initiative in making this happen.

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Herb and Madaline


Herb Boyd

Herb Boyd


Herb and Ruth


Herb and Ruth












Herb and Madaline